Jacob McElhaney

Back End Developer

Software Developer with experience building custom software solutions. Possesses a desire to immerse myself into modern programming methods in order to deliver the most complete code possible. Never stops learning and growing and wishes to take knowledge and passion for code to the next level. Through diversity we can overcome all obstacles.

I am passionate about traveling the world and experiencing everything it has to offer. Immersing oneself in new environments helps improve ones understanding of our world. I enjoy challenges and creating ways to overcome those challenges. Through diversifying ourselves in life and who we work with we can overcome the challenges we face.

As a web developer, I enjoy using my unique attention to detail, my enjoyment for making things and my work ethic to create something inspiring. That's why I'm excited to make a big impact at a high growth company.



Fotos de Astronomia

Web address:fotos-de-astronomia.herokuapp.com

The goal of this project is to create a platform for users to view, save, edit and delete information from their own user profile. The information will be in the form of pictures and excerpts created by Nasa. The goal will be to call data from APIs that Nasa runs to then allow users to save that data to their own profile or rather API. The user will be able to make edits to the excerpts and/or delete that saved data from their profile.

  • Used Django, HTML, JavaScript, Vue and CSS to create the project
  • Built a Custom User Model interface in Django
  • Created APIs with multiple endpoints using DRF to store user data that can be personalised to the users desire
  • Using Vue and JavaScript made AXIOS calls to NASA’s APIs to allow users to view and save pictures that are retrieved from those APIs
  • Developed the project with an Agile/Scrum methodology
  • Created a repository on Github and deployed the website on Heroku
  • Email
